About Lori's Lovelies

Welcome to Lori's Lovelies!

Lori's Lovelies has been online since 2010.  

When my obsession with linen clothing began, I had a difficult time finding retailers that offered reasonably priced, quality linen in styles that I loved.  Driving hours to the nearest big city boutiques was inconvenient (and expensive), so my husband suggested that I start my own business.  What a great idea!

Before Lori's Lovelies, I was a high school science teacher.  I still love kids, but I am so thankful that I am now able to be my own boss.  

All clothing is Made in the USA.  No sweatshops.  No child labor.  Buying cheap clothing produced oversees has many consequences in terms of human rights, the environment, and the US economy.  Please do what you can to support small businesses manufacturing things conscientiously here in the USA.

All clothing on the site is made of 100% linen.  The linen is imported from Europe and is then designed, cut, sewn, and dyed in Southern California.  Linen is made from weaving the stems of the flax plant and is very hardy.  When taken are of properly, items made of linen last a long time.  From a ecological standpoint, flax plants require less water and pesticides than other plant-sourced fibers such as cotton.